Steps we took to make our Hydraulics Lock System:
1. We made a design plan and measurement plan
2. We cut the plastic glass with x-acto knifes and rulers according to the measurement plan
3. When we had all the cut pieces, we glued them together using the silicone sealant, glue for plastic
4. We had to wait about 20 min. each time we glued two parts together
5. When all the pieces were glued together to create the tank, we cut out two pieces that fit exactly into the tank to make the gate
6. We placed the gates around the middle, but more to one side so that there are two sectors and one sector is larger than the other
7. Then we used hinges to move the get open and close and stuck them on the side of the interior of the tank using the silicone sealant
8. Then we took installation (Styrofoam) and cut out a piece that would fit exactly into the smaller sector to create different levels of water when the water is poured in (we glued the installation to the bottom of the tank)
9. We drilled 2 holes on each side of the tank so that the tubes can go in
10. We stuck the tubes in the tank and the syringes to the tube